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მუზმა ვორეთ ჩქი საქორთუოს დო მუნერიე მარგალურნინამ მოსახლეობაშ მდგომარეობა? ჩქინ რიცხვ ირდუნო თუ იჭიჭარებუ'?






ეშ მუდგაინ ორგანიზაცია ვარა არაოფიციალურ პარტია დუაარსათი, ჯგირ იი. დევეკავშირათ უცხოელემს დო დუმაფინანსანი. თქვა მუს ფიქრენთ ათიშენ კოლხიდა დო აკე?



ilia написал(а):




ilia написал(а):




აკე, სი ქართის ცხოვრენქო? კოლხიდა მიჩქუ' მუჭო ზუგდიდს ცხოვრენსი.



ilia написал(а):




manri81@yahoo.com       Qumobchar!



Абхазия даст грузинам автономию

Герман ПРОНИН, 18 апреля, 03:48

Lenty.ru: Десятки гостиниц закрываются на севере Кипра

REGNUM: "Зачем Литве нужен Путин?"

Ситуация в грузинской провинции постепенно "закипает", причем речь идет уже не только о местах компактного проживания армянского и азербайджанского населения, где претензии в адрес Тбилиси носят традиционный характер. Как стало известно "Yтру", непростая ситуация складывается на западе страны – в Мингрелии, граничащей с непризнанной Абхазией. В этом регионе Грузии среди беженцев растет недовольство из-за отсутствия прогресса в решении проблемы их возвращения в Абхазию. Причем, как свидетельствуют источники "Yтра", львиная доля претензий, озвученных на стихийных акциях протеста, адресована Михаилу Саакашвили. Среди мингрел, покинувших места проживания во время боевых действий в начале 90-х гг. прошлого века, преобладает мнение, что именно "прямолинейная" позиция официального Тбилиси и, конкретно, президента Грузии отрицательно сказывается на перспективах их скорейшего возвращения. При этом лидеры беженцев негативно относятся к перспективе силовых действий в Абхазии, поскольку в случае затягивания конфликта и поражения грузинской стороны возвращение будет отложено на неопределенный срок.

Недоверие к официальному Тбилиси ведет к тому, что к переговорам с Сухуми все настойчивее призывают и командиры нескольких отрядов "партизан", действовавших в последнее время в Гальском районе Абхазии. В столице Грузии такие переговоры называют "сепаратными" и не поддерживают инициативу "снизу". Но в результате подобных частных контактов с абхазскими представителями появились сведения о радикальном плане, который рассматривается в окружении Сергея Багапша. Как не раз подчеркивали в Сухуми, Абхазия готова и дальше размещать беженцев в Гальском районе. Более того, этот район может получить особый статус "автономной области" с компактным проживанием грузинского населения. В Мингрелии, говоря о возвращении беженцев, идут еще дальше: среди бывших жителей Абхазии обсуждается план объединения Гальского района Абхазии с Мингрелией и создания нового образования в составе Грузии – "Мингрельской автономной республики".

Президент Абхазии Сергей Багапш пока довольно осторожно говорит о возвращении беженцев, считая, что в Тбилиси сильно завышают само их число. "Сейчас мы начали возвращать беженцев в Гальский район. Сегодня там проживает 55-60 тыс. грузин. Всего в республике проживает 72 тыс. грузин, но это неполные данные. Однако возвращение беженцев в другие районы, кроме Гальского, проблематично и на сегодняшний момент невозможно, – заявил Сергей Багапш в интервью "Yтру". – Гальский район? Да, сюда беженцы будут возвращаться и впредь. Этот район должен стать местом компактного проживания тех людей, которые ушли из Абхазии. Нужно все делать поэтапно и правильно. Повторяю: по остальным районам решение вопроса невозможно". В этом же ключе высказался и премьер-министр Абхазии Александр Анкваб, заявив, что часть беженцев уже вернулась в Гальский район, а остальные районы непризнанной республики останутся закрытыми, поскольку "против возвращения беженцев выступает, прежде всего, абхазский народ".

В Сухуми по-прежнему обращают внимание на провокационные действия грузинских спецслужб в зоне грузино-абхазского конфликта. По словам председателя комитета по обороне и национальной безопасности парламента Абхазии Гарри Саманба, в Зугдидском районе Менгрелии создан центр грузинских спецслужб, который возглавляют Угулава и Аласания. Задача этой структуры – разведывательные и диверсионные операции на территории Абхазии. За последние годы на территории непризнанной республики было обезврежено несколько десятков грузинских диверсантов. "В Гальском районе идет нагнетание обстановки. Но сегодня и в Гальском районе всем это надоело, – говорит Саманба. – Я участвовал во многих спецоперациях и проверках паспортного режима в этом районе. Понял одно – нам нужно вести правильную политику в Гальском районе. Жители района должны стать полноправными гражданами республики".

По словам главы парламентского комитета по обороне, в Кодорском ущелье сохраняется армейская группировка из нескольких грузинских горно-стрелковых батальонов. Гарри Саманба оценивает ее численность в 10 тысяч штыков. "От реваншистов можно ожидать все что угодно, – говорит он. – Они могут, например, показать, что рвутся в Южную Осетию, а сами попытаться пойти на нас". В Сухуми в случае нападения надеются поставить под ружье порядка 20 тыс. резервистов.

В свою очередь, председатель грузинского комитета по обороне парламента Грузии Гиви Таргамадзе заявил недавно: "Сегодня грузинская армия может в течение трех-четырех дней взять под контроль всю территорию Южной Осетии К концу года наши вооруженные силы будут способны взять Сухуми, а что касается мифа о непобедимой российской армии, то этот миф не раз был разрушен. Потенциал грузинской армии позволит дать ответ не только сепаратистам, но и тем, кто стоит за их спинами".



Абхазия — правовое, справедливое государство. При всем том, что я сказал, вернуться в Абхазию может каждый ее бывший житель. Мы уже вернули десятки тысяч мегрелов, жителей приграничного с Грузией Галского района. Кстати говоря, мегрелы — не признанная в Грузии нация. Могут вернуться и те выходцы из Абхазии, которые не воевали на стороне войск Госсовета.




ojen vajnie facti... dachitaite...

etat sait iavna sozdan... ili kak minimumk xarasho ispolzuetsa FSB... skolka mi nastaiashie mengreli ni gavarili shto chuj eta delit Gruzin i mengrel... rana ili pozdna eta aberniotsa ploxa knam... patamushto glavnaia cel shto polemika nachilas a tupie katorie vamut tot ili inoi storanu vsegda naidutsa...

adin interesni fact... adin moi bivshi girlfirend maskvichka, katoraia bila dochkai adnoi krupnai FSBeshnika raskazival skolka u neio sasedei "gruzin", katorie rabotaiut na doljastniax v FSB... mnogie iz nix "mengreli" isho ranshe rabotavshie vpravitelstve Zviada Gamsakhurdia (naverna isho tagda pili predateliami)... tak shto sami sudite kto takimi forumami sainteresovan... ani sadnoi starani gavarioat xaroshae pra gruzio no vkance brasaiut "utku" kakoiu nibud temu... naprimer shto mengreli gruzini no izik doljen bit izuchatsa v shkolax i v universitetax i takdali...

tak shto nastaiashie gruzini, asobena mingreli danebit te forums dud do mikvojinat chkin kianas... tenebish dida ma vxodi... kartvelebo chven kvekanas mivxedot da nu iknebit brma iaragi sxvis xelshi... xolo im dedamotknulebs male mivxedavt... aba venacvale mtels sakartvelos da chems mshobliur saamako samegrelos... visac samegrelo da ertiani sakartvelo ar ukvars magis dedis mutelshi shevafsi...



jaba  kaci  xar  kacuri!!!!   vinc   megrels  da  qartvels  gaarchevs ertmanetisgan  imis.......................................................................



Ake  kle  xar  she sacodavo



samegrelo eta gruzia, u vashix  (imeiu v vidu te ,,visokoobrazovannix", katorie tak smelo i ,,kompetentno" o gruzinskoi isttorii i a megrelskoi xarakteristiki  pishut  i apisaiut ,,realnost"...) cel, razedinit zruzii i gruzinski nationalitet, net budusheee! 

Грузины МЫ, и пусть на веки запомнит враг, что лишь тогда встаем мы на колени, когда целуем грузинский флаг! :cool:



tqvan didas qumvochane eshe miq te sait gaaket.ruseb tqvan didalef fxod. masonef ret do gurut amdgavar chuma. meu tqvan dida fxodi



tqvan gamkidvel dida fxod xolo mit oxvar chqin mtrebs arzos didash zuz fxod



xolo mit taq tenebish jimare ish ojax xodu afxazefq



e vaski fesbeshniki vashu mamu ibali mengreli i afxazi vas ruskix viibut skora amerikosi



xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiii               forum           zaibnites vi alkashi rusaki



blia cho zdes nexuia nekto nepishit. srani putinski forum. a mne interesno kogda ubliudak putin umriot.onje xui i alkasha. vsio nadaela zdes



exla qartulad dagiwert rusebo tu vin kleebi zixart manded. chemi fesvebia samegrelo xolo chemi deda saxli saqartvelo da vinc imas ambobs rom megreli sxva ariso imis deda motknas kvelaze debilma am qvekanaze.CHQIN SAQORTUOS GAUMARJOS CHQIMS.CHQIM VARE VART MOSKOV DO VART PETERBURG.PUTIN SI OLE REQ







Introduction about Mingrelia

It is well-known to all that during and after the time of Stalin the raising of the issue of the Mingrelians and generally of Mingrelia has been strictly prohibited. Today the odd article or letter will appear in the press, but these articles and their authors are subjected to the severest and most uncouth forms of criticism totally devoid of any moral rights and historical facts. It is a matter of some surprise, fellow-citizens, as to where you can have amassed so much hatred, poison and venom against those who have raised and still raise the question of Mingrelia and the Mingrelians. Do you people who have been reared on Georgian culture and are well educated not know how to respond in a civilezed fashion? Why are we ' so-called Mingrelians? Or why are we so-called Mingrelians "dogs"? Does it follow then that our language is "the language of dogs".The reason couldnot be, could it, that our traditional rulers, the Dadianis, treated Mingrelian peasant and in general their families ' like cattle, and sometimes even worse. The buying and selling of peasants, renting them out, offering them as gifts, giving them away as a dowry, exchanging them for livestock and birds, putting out their eyes with heated candelabra, smearing yoghurt over their bodies and holding them in the rays of the sun, cutting off body-parts with the executer's knife and other acts were common currency in Mingrelia'. To me(us) and undoubtedly to every right-thinking individual it is regrettable when Georgians and Mingrelians speak to one another with "the bullet";after all, what is wrong with a man, whoever he may be, expressing his views and position in the press and on television in a civilized manner, especially if the last thing on his mind is the amassing of political dividends or material benefits? If you are really educated and truly honest men, why do you not explain the content of the terms Gruzjia/Gruzin, on the one hand, and sakartvelo/kartveli, on the other hand? Are these pairs identical in content or not? I am (we are) certain that you know full well that they are not, but you find it impossible to deviate from the now accepted tendentiousness. I (we) shall explain their meanings now: Gruzija/Gruzin are artificially created collective words designed to incorporate Mingrelians,Svans, Lazs and Georgians. That is to say that these four peoples have created a single Gruzin people, and their common homeland has been styled fully correct, and I (we) offer him my (our) personal thanks for telling the truth-an honest man should have no fear of saying what is right. I have said openly before and I repeat it here "I am a Mingrelian and not a Georgian". No historian, linguist,philologist, or any other specialist could prove that Mingrelians are Georgians. The Mingrelians were compelled to view themselves as Georgians, and this is why the issue of Mingrelia and the Mingrelians, which has been so sensitive for so many years, will sooner or later "explode", and the longer it takes, the more bitter and savage will be the result. Most recently in Georgia the ongoing process in Mingrelia have shown that the myth of the creation of a unified Georgia has burst like a soap-bubble. In an article printed in Literary Georgia on November 1989 georgianized Mingrelian Zviad Gamsakhurdia insulted us Mingrelians as Mingrelians, but the whole world now knows how tragically the author ended his political carer. Reason should rule the behaviour of us all. The Mingrelian language, which is today officially banned by the government, should be given official status . The Mingrelian language, which you style the language "of dogs", is immeasurably beautiful, rich and varied; its loss would be tragic not merely for the Mingrelians but generally for humanity. Clearly you have given no thought to the question as to why the Georgians themselves are silent on this issue. Why do they not participate in the debate? And finally, fellow-citizens,there is absolutely no need for men from Mingrelian homes to shout out for all the world "I am not a Mingrelian". Who knows when candle and incense will find their own path? Let us not do anything for which our descendants in the future will have to answer.


{Let us live sensibly. No one of you should hurry,
Otherwise it is then too late And all will wander in tears and lamentation.}


A brief history of the Mingrelian Nationalist Party

Georgia's last colony where after centuries its inhabitants are still striving for independence.
On November 1989 the Mingrelian Nationalist Organization, first movement for the independence in Mingrelia, was founded by the patriot Mr. Nugzar Dzhodzhua during his exile in Russia, where he was forced to live by the Georgian colonialist authorities. It was during this period of exile that the situation of Mingrelia came into the public eye of International rights and the Country became an International concern, This status was clarified in the year 1989, during an important meeting with the Caucasian Federation of Freedom Fighters, which took place on the 17th July 1994 to Grozny.
It was established and recognised that the Mingrelia form an integral part of the Transcaucasian region. This was a solemn declaration which erupted all borders of Georgian Colonialism and put the Mingrelia forth to the UNITED NATIONS and reached International spheres, where from this point in time the relationships of International Rights for Mingrelia would be closely looked into.
The Caucasian Federation of Freedom Fighters have supported the struggle of the Mingrelian Nationalist Organization for many years now. This organization attended the many meetings between 1989 and 1995. The MNO began its activities in Mingrelia in November 1989 against the Georgian occupying forces. The Georgian oppressions of the nationalist movements of Mingrelia was so strong that they murdered several members of the MNP and attempted against the life of common people , leaving thousands with the most brutal injuries, this act of repression from the Georgian Government outraged the Mingrelian people and caused them to manifest in large demonstrations all over the Country, this took place in the year 1995. Many nationalists were put in prison where they were brutally tortured by the Georgian Colonialist Authorities. The Mingrelian Nationalist Party (Margaluri Nacionalisturi Partiashi, in Mingrelian, and Megruli Nacionalisturi Partia, in Georgian languages) came into being in the year 1995.

The principal MNP policies:

1.The MNP is a Political Party striving for Independence and committed to obtaining the rights for the Mingrelian people to become Self Governed where they can enjoy living in a democracy, with liberty, equality and respect for human rights for all citizens of Mingrelia.

2.The MNP is committed to oust corruption and foreign Mafia's from its shores and opposed to the International Capitalism.

3.The MNP incorporate democratic policies to force the Georgian Government to respect the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Peoples, with emphasis on the UN Resolution 1514 in 1960 about the Right to Self determination which all colonised people have, and which is the case of Mingrelia, which cleary specifies the following points 1 & 2;

1)"That the people who are subjected to the domination and exploitation by a foreign power constitutes the negation of the basic rights of man, is against the UN Charter and compromises the cause of peace and world co-operation".

2)"All people have the right to control their own destiny, in virtue of this right they may freely carry out their economic, social and cultural development".

4.The MNP reject all the Status which have been passed by the Parliament in Tiflis , which have only served as an instrument to destroy our National, economical, social and cultural identity and compromise the future of our children.

5.The MNP totally abhor al forms of colonialism of the Mingrelian people and wish to abolish it.
This means that all Mingrelians must unite in their National struggle to free the Mingrelia of colonialism.

6.The MNP are committed to release Mingrelia from Georgia, where they are considered to be an ultraperipherial province. The MNP want the Mingrelia to be categorised as a Third State with the same relationship as that of Israel, Morocco, Armenia and Azerbaidjan.

7.The MNP are striving for an Independent State with a seat in the UN. Due to its geographical position the Republic of Mingrelia must be a neutral and non aligned state, a necessity to assure the country economical future which is based on free trade and tourism. The Georgian Government have plans to militarise our Country by installing missile launching areas etc, the Mingrelia have been forced into militarization against their own free will. The MNP recognise the dangers of militarism of Mingrelia and what this could do to local and foreign investiments, as well as the atmospheric consequences of the same , and including the threat of our existence due to other nations pointing their missiles at our homeland due to the occupancy of a foreign power on our shores.
8.The MNP being an Independent Party, want to convert the present Mingrelian Colony into an Independent country, into a progressive, democratic, pacifist Republic. Yet the Georgian Colonial Government and the so-called marionettes who complies with its orders, want to convert these Caucasian country that live off tourism and commerce, into military bases of aggression against the poor Caucasian countries, with this menace they are endangering the survival and future of our pacific people and our business and tourism sectors.

9.At this moment in time, the agreement formed by a pact between the Georgian governing parties, are squandering the public money they control, to favour their own private interests and that of their friends and associates. All of this is transforming the Mingrelia into a Republic banana field of the worst species. The corruption reigns in every sector and this is the reason why we the MNP denounce this degrading situation which is ruining our wealth on a day to day basis.

10.The foreign tourist and those whose wish to take up their residence here and work should visit the marginal areas of the towns and villages and see for themselves how our indigenous people live, and compare this with the residential tourist areas of the Georgian and their Mingrelian infiltrators.

11.The continual administrative corruption that has risen under the shadow of colonialism in Mingrelia, is doing away with all the honest businesses of the country. Its for this precise reason we do not recommend to anyone that they come here and take up residence or install their business either, whilst the present situation of corruption continues to reek Mingrelia.

12.Any type of information of whatever kind that is obtained about Mingrelia be it in forein offices controlled by Georgia or by its marionettes, has not to be trusted and is adulterated, for this precise reason we advise all foreign political, administrative and cultural entities to take an interest in this colonial territory.

13.At this current moment the Georgian colonial government are converting these country into a place where International congresses of whatever kind can be celebrated. With this they only hope to shield the fact that Mingrelia are no more than a vulgar province of Georgia, and therefore influence International public opinion with this front. We sincerely hope that the foreign governments and instituitions of these countries do not participate in this International manoeuvre.

14.The MNP and the Mingrelian State of People await International help, to help us to unmask the agents and infiltrators of colonialism . In the European Community for example, there are many Mingrelian infiltrators who defend the Georgian Government and its colonialism, they should be unmasked for this by the European Governments. The Electoral system prevailing today in Mingrelia is Anti-democratic because they permit a non-Mingrelian population to participate in the elections, that is to say, Georgian residents and even Europeans and other nationalities can vote in local elections, fabricated in this manner to leave the Mingrelian people in minority and in an extremely disadvantaged position. This system reeks of Colonial domination over the Mingrelian peoples hearsay. During the elections, the Independent Political Parties are only allowed few minutes viewing time to appear on TV, this decision is enforced by the Colonial Government, who dominate not only the television but the airwave sectors also, their political parties are allowed to canvas on the media throughout the elections.

15.At this precise moment the Georgian Parliament have granted permission to the Georgian Army to build and enlarge their military installations in Mingrelia. This seriously endangers the flora,fauna and tourism industries of our country. The flora and plants are of great importance as they are of an endemic species unique in the world. The same thing will happen to the fauna, due to the manoeuvre of installations for the launching of misselis and satellites. This project has provoked a public outcry and caused the inhabitants of the country to break out in protest. All of this proves the ignorant behaviour of the present government who in turn serve the militaristic interests of the colonialists without any consideration for the Mingrelian people and their views.

16.The MNP are promoting the creation of a National Federation for every sport, to allow the Mingrelia to participate in the International Tournaments with their own team, in the same way as Scotland, Wales, Andorra, Malta, Israel, as well as other Nationalities such as Chechnya and Abcassia do.
The Georgian Government block this and other creative projects as always.

17.Due to our geographical position, Mingrelia have been converted into a platform for the arrival and distribuition of drugs precedent from all of Asia. According to a report from the Tribunal Law Office, the police force currently capture between a ton and half to two tons of drugs, which represents 5% of the total amount of drugs distributed in Mingrelia.

18.The MNP supports the fighting of all the ethnic minorities and peoples of the world for their autonomy, independence and freedom



სო რექ აკე, ვაჩქუქი?






hercogi написал(а):

jaba  kaci  xar  kacuri!!!!   vinc   megrels  da  qartvels  gaarchevs ertmanetisgan  imis.......................................................................

მეგრელი ეთნიკური ჯგუფია. რა შუაშია გაარჩევ თუ არ გაარჩევ?



hercogi написал(а):

Ake  kle  xar  she sacodavo

ყლე მამაშენია ბატონო hercogi, ასეთი მოღალატე რომ ხარ აღზრდილი.



jaba написал(а):

etat sait iavna sozdan... ili kak minimumk xarasho ispolzuetsa FSB...

он госпади, какои бред.  :crazyfun:



jaba написал(а):

adin interesni fact... adin moi bivshi girlfirend maskvichka, katoraia bila dochkai adnoi krupnai FSBeshnika raskazival skolka u neio sasedei "gruzin", katorie rabotaiut na doljastniax v FSB... mnogie iz nix "mengreli" isho ranshe rabotavshie vpravitelstve Zviada Gamsakhurdia (naverna isho tagda pili predateliami)... tak shto sami sudite kto takimi forumami sainteresovan... ani sadnoi starani gavarioat xaroshae pra gruzio no vkance brasaiut "utku" kakoiu nibud temu...

jaba тебе лучше заинтересоват об грузинских форумах. тебе ни интересна кто саздател етих грузинских форумах? и если ти антимегрел, лучше забут об етом форуме и читаи твоие лубимие грузинские форуми.



konstantine написал(а):

tqvan didas qumvochane eshe miq te sait gaaket.

უჯგჷ სკან დიდას მეხვარე. ე საიტ მარგალურ შეგნებაშ განვითარებას ომსახურჷ დო სი მოღალატე რექდა, ენა სკან დუს დაბრალ. სკანჯგუა მოღალატეეფიშ ბრალიე ბრელ მარგალს მარგალურ ვარაგადენ პატონ konstantine. იშ მანგიორო გოხიოლდას თე საიტიშ დორსხუაფა, გეხექ დო ოგორანქ სკან ისტორიას, სკან წინაპრემს, პასუხიმგებლობას დო მარგალობას. ფურტინიშ ღირს რენა სკანჯგუა მოღალატე მარგალეფ პატონ konstantine, ფურტინიშ დო მეტ მუთუნიშ ვარ.

Отредактировано ilia (2009-01-01 05:41:35)



ilia hsen deas gavde trakshi


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